Spoke POV

Spoke POV workshop

1st fase:

1 febr 2012: timelab test of the spoke POV kits, ordered at http://www.ladyada.net/, price about 35 euro for the yellow and red onces, 40, for the blue once (incl. TVA). A dongle is needed to programme the software. Magnets are needed to make it work. A kit with 3 povs, 1 dongle and 2 magnets costs 99 dollars online.


Materials needed:

soldering iron


diagonal cutters

2 or 3 AA batteries



handy hands




good light

fresh air


time needed to solder the kit:  approximately 4 hrs.


2nd fase: Train the trainer

4 Febr. 2012: We invited 4 people from the Bike Kitchen to get a training in building spokePovs. 

Feedback from the participants:

They believe the spokePov will break down soon because of the lack of a casing and the outdoor use. It would be a great thing that someone might come up with a solution for that. 

Another thing they mentioned were the batteries. You need 2 AA batteries and even 3 for the blue onces. Maybe using a dynamo would be a solution.

You need quite a focus to solder for about 4 hours. This is not for shaky hands or distracted people.

It was very easy to programme wathever you like thanks to the easy and visual software included.

It was a bit difficult to get the right magnets to get the spokePov going, you need real strong once.


3rd fase: Training a testgroup

30 Jun. 2012:



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