What it is about
What it can do
Progress & updates
What the machines made
Published plans and parts
Assembly instructions and software links
On-line suppliers in Europe we like & use
Repairable machines is a timelab project, located in Ghent, Belgium









For version 1.08:

The parts list for version 1.08
Version108 -Assembly manual -Part1
Version108 -Assembly manual - Part2
Version108 -Assembly manual - Part3
Version108 -Assembly manual - Part4

For version 1.01:
Exploded views - drawings
Part list version 1.01
V1.01 Instructions Part1
V1.01Instructions Part2
V1.01Instructions Part3
V1.01Instructions Part4


Exploded views - drawings



Parts list version 1.08

Parts list version 1.01





To generate the G-code, we like CAD.PY, a Python script from MIT
For an overview of open-source G-code generators, we refer to:

For the links to the software & installation instructions go to the download-page.

A short tutorial on the use of CAD.PY to create a milling pattern from a 2D bitmap:
using CAD.PY



We currently use ReplicatorG to control the machine and send G-code to it.
You need to install ReplicatorG, then copy the driver-file for our machine into the 'machines' directory

A short tutorial on the use of ReplicatorG to control the machine.
using ReplicatorG




SEPTEMBER 27th 2011- Adam W.-Swicizinsky und Ewald Neuhofer from AWS design team are taking the machine to the Vienna design week to engrave furniture, from September 30th to October 3rd, themed "Copyright - Design zwischen Inspiration und Kopie"
You can follow them on their project blog: http://awsdesignteam.wordpress.com

Copyright, Copyleft - aws designteam - Fr 30.09.2011 – Mo 3.10.2011 - stilwerk
viennadesignweek.com - Labor


SEPTEMBER 26th 2011 - Kimmo's copy of the machine is on display at the Tampere Architecture week http://www.arkkitehtuuriviikko.fiuntil the 2nd of October, in an exhibition on new materials and fabrication techniques.

SEPTEMBER 25th 2011 - We published version 1.08 of our machine. See Downloadsor Thingiverse for the DXF-file,

Version 1.08 features:
-a more rigid Z-axis
-version numbering engraved on all the parts
-a dual-nut/anti-backlash system on the Y-axis, greatly improving accuracy (better than 0,2mm)


MAY 5th 2011: Added documentation on the software we use. See our documentation page