What it is about
What it can do
Progress & updates
What the machines made
Published plans and parts
Assembly instructions and software links
On-line suppliers in Europe we like & use
Repairable machines is a timelab project, located in Ghent, Belgium




 A growing number of low-cost, open-source milling machines are available on-line.  However, most focus on low-cost components and low-tech manufacturing. Machines such as the 100-dollar milling machine from MIT is very labour-intensive to reproduce.

 A small milling machine is only as accurate as its own assembly. Properly aligning all components is a time-consuming job when done by hand. How cost-efficient is such a machine if it takes you over a week to build?

 If you could design a compact machine, based on lasercut parts, it should be possible to develop a kit where the hardware can be assembled in a single day of work. Doing the frame as lasercut parts allows you to reproduce the accuracy of the lasercutter, in a kit where everything fits, clicks and snaps into place.

Furthermore, a lasercutter allows you to do a small series on the same machine that produces the prototype.

The miniCNC can be assembled by a novice builder from the kit parts in 14 hours. That is from a box of parts to a working machine in one weekend.



SEPTEMBER 26th 2011 - Kimmo's copy of the machine is on display at the Tampere Architecture week http://www.arkkitehtuuriviikko.fiuntil the 2nd of October, in an exhibition on new materials and fabrication techniques.

SEPTEMBER 25th 2011 - We published version 1.08 of our machine. See Downloadsor Thingiverse for the DXF-file,

Version 1.08 features:
-a more rigid Z-axis
-version numbering engraved on all the parts
-a dual-nut/anti-backlash system on the Y-axis, greatly improving accuracy (better than 0,2mm)


MAY 5th 2011: Added documentation on the software we use. See our documentation page

MARCH 31 2011: On April 15th we will be presenting/demonstrating the miniCNC at timelab. You're welcome from 20h00 - click here for the poster and details.