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What it can do
Progress & updates
What the machines made
Published plans and parts
Assembly instructions and software links
On-line suppliers in Europe we like & use
Repairable machines is a timelab project, located in Ghent, Belgium




The miniCNC is being developed at

The miniCNC will be presented on March 10th at

Workshop at Pixelache, Helsinki; build your own CNC-machine in one -long- day.





The frame can be reproduced on a lasercutter. The current version uses 4mm MDF.It is reïnforced with two 70x40 steel U-beams to provide a rugged box.

The machine has an open floor, allowing it to do a milling operation on a large object.

The machine was specifically developed to have a low centre of gravity and be a portable, yet stable platform.

The machine uses a 12V microATX power supply, placed inside the frame. This means the entire machine can be carried in one piece and plugged in where you need it. (Actually, mine has a handle on the side now)

Version 1.08 has a 175x175 mm cutting area.

The machine can easily be enlarged along the X-axis, as the machine is built from a number of modular parts.

The electronics are a Makerbot motherboard & stepper drivers.